Sunday, November 16, 2008


Hi, my name is Peter,

And my name is Susan,

We are not politicians, we are ordinary citizens, trying to make ends meet and raise our boys just like the rest of you out there. We have always leaned toward the conservative side in our political views, and this past presidential election and the issues that surrounded it have given us reason to stop and take a long hard look at our government and the way it is handling our lives. For instance the 700 plus BILLION dollar bail out…as we see it, it is a bail out for greedy, mismanaged businesses, and a hand full of people who are deciding how this money is to be dispensed. OK you say, but that is our money, now tell me would you hand over your hard earned pay check and let someone else decide how to spend it. There is no way that Susan or I would do that, but that is exactly what we are doing with the bail out money, we are letting a handful of some times self- serving people decide what to do with our money, and our children’s money. Who in their right mind would do something as self destructive as that?

Well, that is what this blog is about; we want to discuss the issues, and to empower people to take an active voice in their government, because we believe that the only way that government is going to change is if We the people stop being the silent majority and start making our voices heard.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Have a great day.

Peter and Susan

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