Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mayor Virg Bernero and The Auto Bailout

The big three American auto companies, Ford, American Motors and Chrysler are trying once again to convince Congress to give them the billions they had asked for the other day. They say it is the only way to save the American auto industry from bankruptcy. They made quite a show this time, arriving in Washington in their fancy, high end Hybrids instead of their private jets. We all saw through their media stunt.

Their most vocal advocate is the mayor of Lansing, Michigan Mayor Virg Bernero. He sits in front of the television cameras time and time again speaking in an arrogant aggressive voice, demanding that we the tax payers step up to the plate and rescue the auto industry with a thirty-five billion plus dollar bailout or he predicts, the world as we know it will collapse. So Congress must immediately come to their aid. He is trying to convince the American people that the American auto industry’s problem was not caused by their own greed and their inability to compete with the rest of the world, but is the result of the affects of the corrupt Wall Street Ceo’s that has led to the collapse of the American economy and placed us in this recession.
I sat in my living room watching Mayor Virg Bernero spew his propaganda that the American Auto industry is by far the best in the world and that they have made drastic moves into the Hybrid and Green cars. While I listened to this man verbalizing his seemingly sincere concern over the plight of the auto industry's dilemma. A thought crossed my mind as I watched Mayor Virg Bernero speaking with numerous auto industry employees standing behind him and shouting their support and cheering him on. I wondered if Mayor Virg Bernero palms were coming a bit sweaty at the thought that prehaps, Congress might decide not to bail out the auto industry, that his constituent would hold him personally to blame, especially the unions whom surely supported his election. Would they now turn on him ? So is it possible that an auto bailout might also be a bailout for the honorable mayor's future political aspirations that just might dissipate into the smog surrounding Lansing, Michigan.


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